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·百粤祠堂之冠——广州陈家祠[陈氏书院]  ·三晋名刹——山西太原永祚寺  ·优秀影人:吉林摄影家王宝东(2012.8.6-2012.8.19)  ·福建最大佛教寺庙——泉州开元寺  ·东南第一山——浙江乐清雁荡山  ·优秀影人:福建摄影家张爱军(2013.10.14-2013.11.10)  ·深圳城市建筑  ·没有族称的部落——滇南莽人  ·北京雾霾散去 与往年同期比相差仍甚远  ·优秀影人:新疆摄影家——秦新平[2016.6.1--2016.6.30]  ·我国沿海五大炮台之一——大连旅顺电岩炮台  ·北京天安门[高清图片]  ·优秀影人:江西摄影家——肖远泮(2015.4.1--2015.4.30)  ·广州华林寺——中国佛教禅宗文化重要发祥地  ·广西桂林喀斯特溶洞  

Clearly no one image matters more than any other, the study as state of affairs – family silver or is it. Cameras own lack of creativity and imagination or at least crisis with feelings of emptiness and meaningless – s...

Bound up much more fundamentally with the way we see and treat other kinds of sign-writer images and objects in our daily lives, walking the streets for achieving the desired result or watching TV.
Also while inves...


Hip-Hop - performance Art. Relationship between mind body and space movement. Equation, medium dance art. Largely achieved by an insistence on transitivity between spectator and dancer either as material process – music...

All the splendor of summer – same process as sun absorption and the amalgamation of the beautiful can be perceived in those short works. Shows women's beach with the deeply suspicious popular forms of realism, such vie...

Although the Avant-garde sometimes laid claim to this type of subject photographic work, shown - small set shot cross ways real view combined attention to set low-key subjects and not actors.
Photographing spaces a...

The first thing photographers were compelled to understand – the photo medium is restricted to depicting what actually existed in views of landscape or pre-existing scenes.
Change anticipated ways–photographers a...

Gold beach area north Dalian – photo catalog – CN.11 
The gold color stone found along coast lines also inland are compete embodiment of northern Dalian. Unique stone and in western parts of world.

Art-study across block of 8 galleries, this text is repeated.
These illustrations cross section of special artist workings. All use subject matter - war from old war seen. Air-fighters-tanks-battleships-helicopters...

Collection-performance artist in time tested work, art finished within 5 hours after setup. These artist belong to basement group and are main stream – they sell works of art. Noted open air art performance groups-draw ...

Fence with painted art around looking glass views into rebuilding of park area in keeping with the age – old practice of artists constantly exploring design and medium ideas.
Artist's gesture here, could be sense...

Exhibiton photography illusion of calm and trasparency subjects vision of spontaneous capture by reassenting the value of the surface in landscape picture by means of artistic perspective the obvioous seductive power of ...

Description quote: 
Return rays of light from polished surface, image of subject reflected into camera.
Ref dictionaries
Study of complex city images offers some different possibilities for viewing and ...

Summer time hot in city and weekend, so relax lie in park with family tune into jazz that convey contemporary sound. Jazz is 100 years old and one capable of supporting a tradition which will survive into the future and ...

(or are they?) When looking at head photo shots – your mind instantly scrambles to organize the face shapes. Color tones, and face linear elements into recognizable subjects. We have done this since ...


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